Ok Ok penalty to me for Irregular posting.. Its just that I have finally wiped away the tears after Leaving Mexico... I fell So in love with the place that I never wanted to be tucked away on the Internet for more than a quick second to let home know that I am still alive.
so... I was in Oaxaca last wasn't I? Oaxaca... my first love! Im pretty sure I haven't even mentioned the magical night in the rain in Oaxaca on here yet. We were ambitiously out for a full night of salsa dancing in Oaxaca, when the heavens opened up forcing us to Dash into the first bar on the agender. I have to apologise, I am no lonely planet author, I don't know a single name or address for any establishment.. this place was very cool, All of the waiters were dressed as a different character.. ie Batman, a clown, zoro etc.. and the decor was kind of a very very cool Mexican Surrealism, the live music was excellent too. We enjoyed a few mojitos and some Mexi snacks with the greater group before myself and the fore mentioned favourites decided to head to something a bit more.. dancing wild. or so we thought... the Mexican night sky had another plan for our evening.
As we moved towards the new club the Rain got Stronger and Stronger.. It was bucketing down so badly that three of the gang got into a cab bound for the hotel.. But not Anna-maria, Milton and myself, we had adventure in our spirits. we ended up running through the shiney wet streets with the Shreiking Oaxaca Locals. It was so Beautiful, Running from shelter to shelter in the colonial cobble stone streets, rivers of water taking away my Thongs and me having to chase after thm before they would be lost to an ancient drain forever. We were so so wet! It must have been 40 mins that we ran in the rain before arriving at the doorway to a club that had the sweet sounds of salsa spilling onto the soggy street. We laughed at how drowned the three of us were but decided to go in and Salsa the night Away... and We did, until the lights came on. After Anna-maria and I had each had our fair amount of dance requests form the local Boys and poor Milton had had a local boy squeeze his Pompitos (bum). hehe
The Next Day after a late start.. I spent some time With Milton over some Pizza and Mango- Chilli ice cream, and then Headed out into Oaxaca with My camera... I found Myself in the Zacolo shooting some pretty Interesting Politcal Protesting... A local man saw me taking an interest and lead me through the Streets to a gallery which was exhibiting Photographs of Oaxaca's very interesting political Culture, he In broken English was able to guide me to understanding the corruption in the area. and why the beautiful people of Oaxaca are so Passionate.
Unfortunately I had to cut my time with him short as I had an overnight bus to San Cristobal de las casas to catch and I was very Lost. Probably the scariest thing I have encountered so far was running Through Oaxaca in the Heat with my camera and Visions of missing my ride. I made It.
San Cristobal De Las Casas
Wow, there is so much to write about this town.
By day it is the Beautiful Highland town bustling with colourful Street markets, Architecture and full of the local Indigenous people of San Juan Chamula (which I will tell you more about later)
By night though It was the best place I have ever partied.. some how some of the Coolest people on this planet came out of there hidding places to cram into a very very cool bar with an equally as cool live Reggae band Playing. We danced our Pombitos's... or caulitos as the guatemalans say, off all night.. and once again the Fore mentioned Favoutrites Milton and myself ended up in a rather Large Salsa Club till the Wee Hours. ah so so much fun, and by this point my Salsa is becoming A little more worth mentioning.
San Juan Chamula
The next morning we headed off for a full day, starting with a canyon ride through the jungle. It as incredible to Feel the wind on my face and water spray. We saw Howler Monkeys and hundreds of baby Alligators.
Then It was off to the amazing Town of San Juan Chamula, there are no photos of this place because local lore prevents anyone from photographing, they have very strong customs here especially inside of the town Cathedral where we were able to spend an hour observing devout prayers and Shamans with colourful lit candles each colour for a different request from the Saints. They also cover the floor in Pine needles and burn incredibly strong incenses. Other traditions involve the breaking of a chickens neck or egg to determine certain healings or the skulling of Coke or Pepsi in order to burp up evil spirits.
We were very lucky also to be there to witness the town procession through the Cathedral there, were many of them all moving through chanting and playing loud musical instruments and carrying Heavy boxes with the newly laundered clothing for the Saints. So beautiful.
We did however somehow upset one of the town authorities who tried very Hard to take Milton off to Jail... Im glad right Now for Miltons incredibly Calm Diplomatic reasoning skills or we wouldn't have had a guide to the Carribean.
After this we visited another similar town, I had another go with Making Carpets in a seated loom... this time I wasn't such a natural. We tasteds the delicous fresh local fare,, very very fresh corn tortillas made on the fire in front of us.. yumm.
have to leave the internet cafe, ill update on Palenque and Merida in the Jungle next time I get a chance.