This was actually, a little incouraging... Guatemalans seemed to be a softer people than the Mexicans.. and this excited me, as it meant that they may be a little more obliging when it comes to me taking thier Photograph.. something I had struggled with In mexico leaving me feeling as though I had a bunch of Empty Photos to bring Back to you all.
After catching what seemed like a very dodgy Shuttle from Guatemala City to Antigua it was Late saturday night, I was greeted at the Casa by the very Bubbly Antiguan, Karla... who Spoke spanish so fast, but in such an animated way that I knew every single thing that she was talking about. I took Myself off to bed, Exhausted, Lonely and unsure of what the next part of my journey would Bring.
The Next day I took myself and My camera out to breakfast... the walk to the Zocalo revealing some of the most amazing Colonial architecture with a back drop of two magnificent volcanoes. Beautiful!
Breakfast was in a Courtyard cafe, with a big fountain in the middle. Just the kind of place for me to chill out before a wander.
I whent to the Markets and Bargained myself a little piece of retail therapy to soothe my feelings for Mexico.. A beautiful quilt From Chichicastanango... so colourful and handmade. Heavy too.. oops not all that practical for carrying through the rest of Central America.
Afterwards, I sat in a cafe sipping on some fresh organic Central American Coffee, and here I met Fernando, we chatted in Spanglish for quite a while. Swapped email addresses and went seperate ways.
A few steps down the road while obviously appearing a bit lost looking for the laundry I had dropped my clothes of at that morning... I was rescued My Marco, who led me through the cobbled streets, waited for me and then walked me to the casa, which turned out to be right next to his casa. we too swapped emails. and I felt delighted by the Locals I was meeting. Especially them with the Beautiful Latin american tradition of always having the lady walk on the inside of the path. When I asked Marco about this.. he ever so charmingly said "Well, I have a mother you know" I will never forget Him saying this... The latin American men are oh so charming, and it is phrases like this that us girls into way too much trouble.
Miss Smith,
It looks like you're having a wonderful time...and the pics capture the magic of the places you've visited. Good on ya: your Dad is pretty stoked to see all this too.
Lorna xoxo
Hi Kristal .... just read through your blog (twice) am totally blown away by it all, your photos and words give the impression that I am there, can't wait for you to get back so we can see all the photos you took, and the goodies you have picked up on your travels.
Keep on having fun and I'm sure you are going to find places that will blow even Mexico away.
Your missed back home - tough for us lol
Uncle Mike.
Hola Uncle Mike.
Im glad you were able to read past my horrible keyboard dislexia.
Am now in Panama staying with a good friend, and while he works I finally have time to go back and edit the blog and catch up the tales of central america.
Thought that you in particularly would love to Know that I have visited Panama Viejo.. the old ruins of Panama. Distroyed by "our Ancestor" thankyou Grandad. Captain Henry Morgan.
have some nice B/w photos of it for you.
see you next month.
Niece Kristal
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