Ok so here it is..
as promised I shall tell you all about the Jungle! in the Mexican region of Yucutan!
Its HOT!
So luckily the natural wonders of the area are the Cooling Waterfalls of Palenque and the Cenotes at Merida.
On our first night in Palenque, all 16 of us ended up around the pool of a neibouring hotel, then eating on the balcony of ours. It gets a little mad here!.. firstly Anna-maria, David and I found a particular breed of mexican break dancing bee! thats right, they were spinning on thier backs on our balcony tiles, in a way that I can´t describe any other way than as break dancing, and yes Palenque is the kind of no-where town that has you entertained by insects of an evening in the heat!
But don´t worry, as soon as the break dancing bees lost their appeal something really crazy happened. An Incredibly viscious dog fight broke out in the street, between two dogs on their evening walk with a lady owner, and a big dog with a man.
It was horrible it was as though they were fighting to the death! the poor lady could do nothing to get the big dog from malling her two... we all stood there not knowing what to do. Not David, the crazy man ended up running down with a towel smacking it at the big dog, I ran out close behind to try and get him out of there knowing that he had had no travel shots, Milton close behind me to try and get him out too! it looked as though one of the dogs had died, the poor lady devastated, it turns out her dog was just playing dead. David returned with a blood soaked towel and the new name of Dog whisperer!
that was our excitement for that evening.
The palenque waterfalls
So beautifull.
I have no photos of these, as I decided to have a camera free day and enjoy the falls.
We all swam against powerfull currents to dive underneath jungle waterfalls. We saw Howler Monkeys having a seista in the trees after thier Dessayuno (breakfast). also did a cave walk deep into a cave behind a large waterfall and had Bats poo on us. Do you tink it is good luck?
The last Waterfall that we stopped at on that day was a huge very tourist group of pools and falls, with ropes to swing off and restaurants, there were dogs everywhere and Kids selling Mango and Bananas from the Baskets on their heads. The mexican children I will always remember for their keen sales tactics and persistence.
A local guy at the waterfall Impressed us with his high dives and stunts into a very heavy flowing pool at the bottom of a fall. The loco muchacho was wearing his very heavy jeans and loved showing off for us... no surprises David decided to try and match his stunts, as you can imagine he ended up with a very grazed Pompitas (bum).
The next day we visited the Palenque Mayan ruins. So Impressive to see in real life.
the most Interesting part for me was hearing of the Queens tomb being uncovered reavealing that a servant girl and young child had been trapped in their while they were tending to her grave, and therefore died.
In the evening we went to a jungle restaurant and were entertained my drummers and fire dancers. SO VERY JUNGLE!
Ah, let me tell you of the Beautiful Cenotes. One of the Highlights of my entire trip.
These are Underground freshwater Springs, you get to them behind horses that pull a cart on a track. I can´t remember what these are called, it was a nice experience to travel this way through the jungle, with Butterflies dancing around and seeing local communities of mud houses with not more than a few hammocks hanging inside.
The cenotes are amazing, you carefully make your way down a ladder or some steps, under the rocky earth to find massive Aqua pools, so deep and so refreshing.
with massive roots of trees hanging down to the water, and the only light coming in from the holes in the earth above.
Little Chicken me even Jumped off a high platform into one a few times!
when the perfect day was ending we boarded some Mayan motor, like a tuc tuc peddled my Mexicans, back to our transport.
well, thats about all I can handle of this stinking hot internet cafe.
next update will be gloomy... the Carribean! Playa Carmen... the last stop in my first love...MEXICO!
Upon rereading this, fixing my key board dislexia I realise... I left something so cool out! Our last evening in Merida Milton took us to this great little Salsa Studio for lessons.. It ws Hot and muggy, the rain was pouring outside we had an absolute Ball.. the georgous Instructor taught us some really cool steps, and did the whole thing in Spanish.. leaving the words.. and rythm un dos tres, cinco seis siete in our minds for the days to follow. I wish I had more days in Merida to learn more of this amazing saucy dance.
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